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Pet Obesity Awareness

Risk Factors for Obesity in Dogs and Cats:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disease
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Cranial cruciate ligament injury
  • Back strain

Pet Weight Check:

Your pet is at a healthy weight when…

  • Ribs are easily felt
  • Tucked abdomen – no sagging stomach
  • Hour glass shape waist when viewed from above

Your pet is overweight if…

  • Difficult to feel ribs under fat
  • Sagging stomach – you can grab a handful of skin (fat)
  • Broad, flat back
  • No waist

The Art of Change:

Healthy living…

  • Diet change, reduce calories, and reduce treats
  • Creative exercise indoor and outdoors
  • Rechecks and weigh-ins
  • Increase mobility and playfulness

Project Pet Slim Down:

Did you know…

90 pound female Labrador retriever is equal to a 186 pound 5’4” female or 217 pound 5’9” male.

Every excess pound on a female Lab is equal to 4 to5 pounds on a 5’4” female or 5’9” male.

15 pound average DSH/DMH/DLH cat is equal to a 218 pound 5’4” female or 254 pound 5’9” male.

Every excess pound on an average DSH/DMH/DLH cat is equal to 14 to 15 pounds on a 5’4” female or 17 pounds on a 5’9” male.

15 pound average DSH/DMH/DLH cat is equal to a 218 pound 5’4” female or 237 pound 5’9”.

105 pound male Golden retriever is equal to a 4 to 5 pounds on a 5’4” female or 5’9” male.

12 pound Pomeranian is equal to a 249 pound 5’4” female or 290 pound 5’9” male.

Every excess pound on a Pomeranian is equal to 21 to 21 pounds on a 5’4” female or 24 to 25 pounds on a 5’9” male.

Please call 616-682-5005 for more information on our services!